My 2021 Year Review in Bullets

Kathleen Lara
2 min readJan 6, 2022

Most Used Programming Languages:

  • Oracle SQL / PostgreSQL
  • Python
  • R

Online Conference:

  • 2021 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
  • Snowflake Summit
  • Data + AI Summit 2021


  • Reddit: Artificial Intelligence Generated Persona
  • AI Automation Assistant using Python Scripts
  • Supply Chain: Overstock Allocation Model

Favorite Tools

  • PyCharm
  • Azure Databricks
  • Microsoft Teams (I love how I can integrate different apps) or Discord (Staying connected with online communities)


  • Brain Science: Neuroscience, Behavior by Changelog Media
  • Science & Spirituality by Chris & Kevin Carton
  • DataFramed by DataCamp
  • The Consciousness Podcast (Sorry just had to include this 4th one! I really like some of their episodes)

Favorite Sports Players:

  • Charlie McAvoy , Bruins
  • Mac Jones, New England Patriots
  • Trent Frederic…



Kathleen Lara

I’m a Boston based Data Scientist with a background in Data Engineering and Statistics.🤓